Tuesday, November 22, 2011

{{{{{{{{MY LATEST CREATIONS}}}}}}}

I gave you  a little intro to what I've been doing for the last couple years, but my latest work is what I'm really jazzed about!!!I  wanted to re-create the emotional connection us record diggers get when finding something they've been looking for appears in their hands while sorting through crates of records! I recreated album covers by collaging my record photographs of my collection organized by color and construction paper. I wanted them to look hand made, but still reference records from my own collection. All of them are cut out with an exacto knife and glued with a glue stick, I really enjoy the process and look of handmade collages. I made 60 or so different album covers that vary in range of music genre to have general base appeal to multiple generations, it's sad to think that some people don't even know what records are.... specially because they mean so much to me! I packaged them to look like records, I ordered record jackets that and mounted  the originals and paper prints of the originals to the jackets. I also silkscreened an artist statement on the back, to give an explanation of this series. I made 4 different posters that have 15 different covers on each, 1 poster is included in each art "record". The posters are printed on a thin paper referencing the the old inserts that would hold the record and advertise other artist/albums from that particular label. They are also all shrink wrapped. I made multiple copies of the original collaged pieces so that they are accessible to the art viewer. I really feel it important to have it first come first serve and take the art record with you when they are purchased. There are 5 crates in the gallery with 85 original collaged art covers and about 175 paper print versions, 2 to 4 copies of each all mixed together. The viewer is then to dig through the crates hoping to find a inexpensive print version or original. I really feel the interaction of sorting through the crates is the main piece to this body of work, and the emotional exhilarating feeling of finding an original or the heartbreak of it being gone. This body of work is going to be at First Street Gallery in Eureka Ca, and opens on the 29th of November! The Reception is on December 3rd which I will be DJing at (DJ MANTEASE)! So come and see if you can collect them all!! 
Feel Free to contact me ..... I am looking for a venue to show these plus 50 new covers sometime in 2012!!!

      This is just 20 covers... here are the 4 different posters:

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